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Phonics is the relationship between the letters (graphemes) of written language and the individual sounds (phonemes) of spoken language.



Phonics assessments are usually designed specifically for grades k-3, but can be used for all grade levels (struggling readers).



Most phonics assessments assess 8 areas: Consonant sounds, rhyming words, CVC pattern–nonsense words, consonant blends, consonant digraphs, long vowel sounds, other vowel sounds, and syllables.



Use as needed when the student is identified with strugglng with any of the above mentioned areas.



  1. Obtain a phonics assessment that addresses each of the aforementioned areas.

  2. Mark all items either correct or incorrect as the student responds.

  3. Write all students gestures, comments, etc. throughout the test as well.

  4. Only give the first 10 items of each category (If 5 are missed consecutively within a category, suspend the testing of that category).

  5. Interpret - use the percentages to determine strengths and weaknesses.

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