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Semantic Feature Analysis



  • Semantic Feature Analyses (SFA) can be utilized at all grade levels.

  • However, READ: Seventy Strategies to Support Reading Success suggested using the strategy in PreK-8. 

  • This chart can be utilized with small groups, one on one, or with whole group.


  • The semantic feature analysis (SFA) activity uses a chart or grid to compare words or ideas.

  • SFA displays information to students in a table format, and students determine whether a relationship exists between selected categories. 


  • This approach takes advantage of how the brain organizes information. It also reinforces vocabulary developments, since it focuses on helping students identify whether a relationship exists between words and other features that have been identified.

  • An SFA chart can help extend students' exploration of words by having them seek out possible relationships. 


  • SFA activities should be utilized before and after reading.


  • Select a category, identify words related to the category, and list these words down the left side of the grid.

  • Determine what critical features or attributes are shared by the words, and list these across the top row of the grid.

  • Introduce the grid to students, and talk to them anout the words and the features that are shown. Tell students that they are going to decide whether each word has any of the critical attributes that are listed across the top. If the word and attribute are related, they can place a plus sign in the box. If the words are not relatied, they can place a minus sign there.

  • NOTE: This activity can be adapted for younger groups of students by using a smiley face or an unhappy face.

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